10/10 life, no notes, legend
SFAH: After dying, you’re hired as Hell’s Tourism Director. What catchy slogans do you come up with?
Where am I supposed to practice if not Quick Play?
What is the worst case of one deck paying for another deck's sins by taking a hit from the ban list?
Duelist Kingdom math is weird. Unless I missed something?
Things you wouldn't want to hear after picking up a hitch hiker
Wich next anime archetype do you want to see very good support strong as Yubel or Blue eyes ?
How popular are the sky striker?
Single people of Reddit: What are you doing this Valentine’s Day?
Useless things that annoy you about certain cards?
What do you guys think of this?
What's a phrase that changed your life
It's gonna happen eventually: What do you think a millennial president will be like?
What are your thoughts on the Amazoness archetype?
Now that song is in your head too.
What is your favourite normal monster ?
What has gradually disappeared over the last 20 years with people realising it?
Do you know any cards where you say, "What's the point?"
What song would you be playing?
What's the most forgettable US state?
What’s the best advice you’ll give to the future generation?
Americans how are you feeling right now?
This has, unfortunately, probably actually happened...
How do you feel about Elon Musk's salutes during the inauguration?
What are the chances Trump will actually deport all undocumented immigrants?