Meet Mochi (9 weeks old)
meet the death dealer
People in their 30s post divorce who want to find magical love-
Some kind words 💜 [female]
New kitties 🐈⬛
[male] car picture!
I think I look good in pink 💖[female]
Anyone do 50/50 split with dedicated days?
Do you want to live with someone that doesn’t love you?
Introducing new partner
A rare bug that keeps snacking on my plants 😩
People that were not “liked” or “uncool” in High school where are you now in your adult lives?
How do I start..
My fiancée admitted she doesn’t find me physically attractive, but still wants to marry me. What do I do?
Ladies and gentlemen of Reddit describe your life rn in 3 words!!
I lost my job in early October. I've submitted over 100 applications, reworked my resumé a handful of times, seen offers fall through, and had mental health crises, and I just found a job! Toast me!
Maisie in her element
we’re just strangers now, but..
Just got told my mom has 30 days to live. Feeling very alone in my city, preparing for a winter storm and a future without my best friend.
little Saffron
[male] Happy Monday night to my fellow fellas 🙂
[female] positive vibes for Monday :)
[female] Happy lazy Sunday
I can finally do 25-30 pushups a day
Dad’s sober transformation