found on fb
all by the same artist ...
I asked for moon phases, got anal beads instead ... Anyone have an idea on what to do with it?
Does this look ok
All the same artist (info in post)
they said it took 1-2 hours (the whole thing)
First part done
not on the face 😭😭 dog looks like it has a tumor
I understand this is on purpose but it's still bad ... (Delete if already posted)
Live Long Die Young
Thoughts on this for a first tattoo? Will the pixel font age badly? (Not photoshopped perfectly, mind you)
Found these on TikTok and I can’t decide which is worse..
“when your boyfriend gets your face tattooed” 😬
maybe not horrendous but holy shit ...
Why does tiktok keep showing me these omg
a "learning tattoo artist"
is it just me or are these shitty?
tiktok is crazy