I fixed Arcane
Should Arcane hire me as a writer?
Can someone explain why Violet is so mad at Powder in this scene? sorry about TV by the way
Can she sit on my face- I mean, is she ok??
How did I not know that Vi won the election?
When Jinx says “you can have powder back”, does she mean c*caine or meth? Did they make a bet beforehand?
The post below this on your feed is what Jinx is saying
Who sings “Fantastic”, Caitlyn or Vi? Why do they sing while getting it on?
Why does Caitlyn’s bedroom look like this?
Why do they look like this? It’s almost like they like each other or something.
Soo.. is it ok for a straight male to be part of this fandom? (Asking for a friend)
Is Jonx dyslexic? Why did she write Vi’s tattoo on backwards?
We’re being outjerked rn
Why does Caitlyn refer to Maddie as "someone"?
Ok, time for serious discussions. How the FUCK should we name this ship?
I don’t remember this exchange…
What is she? Some kind of jinx?
Why is powder destroying everything?
Why is Caitlyn standing when there’s a chair next to her? Is she too distracted by Vi to notice?
I ate Mel's sweet cake today, does this make me lebanese?
Can you believe these two just had sex? Why did they do that? Can I join next time?
Can you believe these two just had sex and it's not just a figment of our imagination?
Why do they hold hands here? Are they a thing now?
Why does Silco have Vi fight these men? Is he a feminist?
C A I T L Y N by @nikkotari