I hate this
What did everyone get from login PMV
Shame On All of You
What's the combination of effects?
Como le dicen a esto?
30th music livestream...is it a test?
Chrono Trigger's 30th anniversary Live comments (English)
Finally did it!
Just wanted to share
Is this still considered the “god-split”?
How to counter the same deck on Sanctum
This is such a cool variant!
Donated to the Cause
Help with naming my daughter
[question] Which Asmr Youtuber do you miss the most that have stopped uploading?
¿Cual ha sido la peor rutina de humor que han visto?
Infinite is hard
Is this a good deal?
Which archetype is the most satisfying to beat?
Is it normal to feel this way about Nier: Automata?
Strategies to get tokens faster
Games that help with depression and death
I can't believe this is real...
Peetaah, what does the orange hair girl have to do to with my date of birth?