AITA for refusing to attend any Super Bowl parties?
How can I support one of my students who recently came out to me?
AITA for carving a pumpkin for my classroom?
Do you agree with Kamala Harris’s support for taxpayer-funded surgeries for transgender prisoners?
ok we all know farrah is terrible in every sense of the word, but have yall rewatched old teen mom episodes?
Teen mom, do you regret having a baby that young?
Thank you Zack for being petty now I can’t see Janet any other way
ok you're spending the summer with one who do you choose
The way i ran here .. jaw dropped
When did Leah’s drug problem really start?
What’s a disadulation?
People who had cold feet before the wedding and went through with it - how did it turn out?
any idea how to clean all the dust out of this tower fan?
What are you convinced people are just pretending to enjoy?
Ariana's declaration in response to Rachel's lawsuit
Bravo Quotes are legendary!
Is anyone else kinda grossed out by Schwartz’s new relationship?
Do you feel like VPR S11 was a flop or not?
IVF Pause in Alabama?
What friends storyline would you get rid of?
If you HAD to elect a celebrity for president who would be your top choice and why?
WIBTA if I got mad because he spoke his truth
AITA for giving my roommates the silent treatment?
AITA for Calling Animal Control on My Neighbor's Dog
AITA: I refused to split food bill equally and instead got my own bill separately