Really bad pain after a checked kick should I take time off or keep training ?
When did you start training Muay Thai?
Lonely af.
Berlin freight
Stagala has fallen
these worth developing?
Emilian ja sen naisen (en muista nimee)puhelu PART 1
My third scrimmage first one in the MDL I'm 15 he's 19 I'm in yellow.
Less awake time
High RHR
Lowest readiness
Mikä on mielipiteesi Pulliksesta tällä hetkellä?
Most interesting pieces?
(I’m white gloves) any suggestions for what I can do better?
Teille jotka ette käytä alkoholia, miltä teidän viikonloppu näyttää?
Smell out of gloves
tietääks kukaa tästä tyypistä mitään?
Why does Izzy often weigh in underweight?
Toujours la banane
How do you guys manage time?
Looks like buckshot roulette is getting a bit of attention, i hope it gets Even more😁
Alkuperäinen kokkelivarkausvideo
ops on this tee for my brand ?
Casette player makes horrbile sound. Help!
what kind of speakers does this player use?