Pihole install
Tomorrow I'm building my first unpaid system. Any tips and recommendations for a complete newbie?
Who else uses Unraid, but not as a NAS?
Unraid 7.1.*
My Home Network Closet
21/9 Screen
HP Microserver Gen8 - cannot get anything to boot from HDD
Is my Nextcloud setup secure?
How to expand knowledge
binhex-delugevpn: restarting container loses all torrents
Advice: replacing all data drives the easiest way
Tried to upgrade from trial. I failed somehow. Did I do anything wrong?
Got a fully working Win11 VM config?
If I said to you "open AD and find the user account John Smith" in a Service Desk interview would you understand the question?
Is this normal tailscale behavior?
Need advice on who is at fault
My new homelab ✨
Should I upgrade my unRaid NAS?
Did a whoopies today, insurance said its not worth it since the damage is too small. Do i just go the local panel beater, any chance to dyi this with no experience?
Make hardlinks work on unRAID
Just getting started: What's something you wish you knew before getting started?
Unraid OS 7.1.0 Public Beta is Here! 🚀
Need help with Intel Arc A310 and Unraid
The touchscreen on my apple watch isn't working any help?
How can I add my drive without erasing my data?