What’s the worst thing that’s happened to you during a session?
Any MTs here have spondylolisthesis?
Signed my life away to Massage Envy
Deep Tissue Extravanganza
How do you meal plan?
For the people on metformin
I feel like my girlfriend might have PCOS? How can I provide support without bringing it up?
Do you tell people that they have forward head posture or Hyperkyphosis?
Extreme pain after cupping. Normal?? Please help
Am I allowed to recommend specific strength training exercises to clients?
Pelvis massage?
I am 29.I have stage 4 colon cancer w Mets to lungs. I’ve opted out of chemo. What else can I do???
Should I stay home from work today?
Trapezius strain?
Kicking myself!
Massaging celebrities
How best to ask LMT to massage my feet?
My sheets caught on fire at the laundromat yesterday morning
Should I make the cracked cake the top or bottom?
GF is beating herself up over these, I think they're awesome! (not even in a supportive way lol) Any thoughts or criticisms?
Stressed all the time and bf can’t handle it anymore
Body mechanics question
This has been here for two weeks, should I be concerned
Why does metformin only sometimes cause me diarrhea?