Are graduated members allowed to collab with active members?
I am officially old but since when do videogames have a “give up” button
Jokerd realizes the graycen hate isnt a meme
how did soda lose to this guy
Quin shows sympathy for PirateSoftware
Tyler Explains why Sequisha was banned, after chatter comes and malds in his chat.
Moonmoon Protects OnlyFangs from Petriphiles
Forsen ults top to save teammate
How is this still allowed, all of these guys should get banned for racism
As a Bazaar watching but not player, I didn't realize NL has been on brand this whole time
Forsen Explains The Difference Between Him and Someone with Down Syndrome
Gigi disrespecting jesse.
Tonka T finds out his newly appointed recruiter has quit after 2 days
an extremely reasonable fella talking about our current situation
Is this true?
If all my lanes are losing and I have no priority do I just ignore ganks and objectives and power farm?
This might be the funniest post of all time.
Ludwig Hitting Gold Shows How Any Human Being Can Easily Hit Gold (No Flame)
I made a mistake and got my valorant account hacked
Please don't blame killers
T1 Jumps Off Bridge In LBRS
Hasan gets mad at chat after accusations of potentially exploiting the homeless on skid row for views
Does goofing in normals affect the climb in ranked?
diversity win!
There goes half of America.
That’s one way to inject some excitement into the morning