some advice for people still deep in their hyperfixation:
About earthmix
MarkOhm have become my weak spot
LONG rant ahead bc of the recent Ohmleng announcement
AouBoom to replace OhmLeng in Only Friends: Dream On, and SurfJava to replace them in Mu-Te-Luv
what partners/pairs do you think are together???
EarthMix “partners in real life”
Ships so platonic it stops my delulu
If u could swap actors in series, what would u do?
Real couples?
June asking the right questions (we found another shipper in gmm)
Ossans love ❤️
Mix saying ‘hurry and put a ring on it’ 👁️🫦👁️
Is The Heart Killers worth the watch?
I’m in love with EarthMix duo
Current obsession
Welcome back, Uncle Jim?
Crazy for dad Earth
What are you guys watching now?
How would you rank/evaluate New Siwaj's filmography?
Which GMMTV actors would you like to see play against type?
Who do you think is the most drama free actors/pairings?
Your Thai BL confessions?
Whats ONE couple that you want, would actually date irl?
EarthMix and FirstKhaotung’s Friendship