The funniest scene in Authur
Did late millennials, let alone Zillenials , really grow up “analog”?
Your honest opinion about every decade Day 6: The 1950s
Philosophical Opinion: Why Were People So Negative About Themselves in the 2010s?
Your honest opinion about every decade Day 5: The 1940s.
Best Nickelodeon character that starts with the letter: O
What year do you think this is from?
Most underrated character and one of my favorites
Do you like yourself
Trying to feel hope
Your honest opinion about every decade Day 4: The 1930s
Why does Gen Z infantilize themselves so much?
Your honest opinion about every decade Day 2: The 1910s
Thanks evening shift
What is the 2pm-10pm schedule like? (school custodian)
What do you think is the 2020s version of this?
Gabbers: Dutch Gen X rave culture
Realizing I’m capable of more than I thought
Arnold Visits Arnie wins round 5: Round 6: which episode is the weirdest?
Late 2021 kinda felt like a pretty chill time, is this accurate, or am I just making stuff up on my head?
And you two shall remain here in my kingdom as my subjects and ROYAL RAT GROOMERS…
On this day 5 years ago (March 11, 2020), COVID-19 was officially declared a pandemic
Getting tired of hyperbole
Most 2008 photo ever..........
The 2000s were weird, it literally was the era where normalization of gross things happened. Society is more socially aware now for good.