Aaaah yes, a beautiful medieval castle from "Bavaria, Germany"
Castle of Coca, Segovia Spain
Somehow I managed to run CR 1.16.5 on my phone
Who wants to "accommodate" Carey from the UK?
Went to London for a trip. Came across these
German YouTubers?
We are just better
Unity protects us: eastern Europe included
Let's settle this Geography debate once and for all
Cum stati cu social skills?
Galați, Romania during the interwar vs today
The Constitutional Court of Romania has unanimously rejected Călin Georgescu’s appeal against the invalidation of his presidential candidacy. This definitive decision means that Georgescu’s name will not appear on the ballot for the May 4 election.
Running Conquest Reforged Mod on my android phone via Pojav Launcher + Shader!!! Isn't it amazing?
Un fost comandant NATO dezvăluie scenariul pentru Europa de Est dacă Putin nu este oprit: Urmează „deportarea copiilor, violarea femeilor și masacrarea civililor” |
In your opinion, what is the most beautiful building in your country?
Candidatura lui Georgescu, invalidată de către BEC
De ce nu vă spălați pe dinți?
Cum este orașul Bistrița?
Daca Georgescu ajunge presedinte nu reuneste Romania cu Moldova. Doar ne face marioneta rusilor
A collection of landscapes I've created
Germans: "Ah, yes, zis looks good."
Merita sa te muți in Timișoara?
Grupare paramilitară pro-Georgescu, care intenționa să dea o lovitură de stat și să schimbe inclusiv numele țării, anihilată de DIICOT
Efendim efendim you are european efendim.
Baltic States again marginalized during European leaders summit, this time in the UK.