And Duvetbox makes three! Who should round out this Mount Rushmore?
Need help naming a motif(?)
Favourite Animatics?
Just noticed this. Don’t know why, but I felt like sharing this.
What are your nicknames for Telemachus
Replace any word from any song of epic with "ball" or "balls"
Where did those extra three years come from?
In a landslide, Gigi swept and stole first place. Who’s getting the next spot?
If Epic characters had Modern Jobs (✨HERMES✨)
Just wanna take a moment to appreciate how GORGEOUS Neal’s Poseidon is despite being tortured. If you're getting slain, might as well slay, I suppose.
ABC characters edition G
If Polyphemus took Ody to court.
If Epic characters had Modern Jobs (pt5 Poseidon)
Read somewhere ( I can't remember where) that epic is just a story of a dad trying hard to get back home with the milk but everyone in the supermarket are trying to stop him .
Ody could have gotten home with no trouble in act 2
In your opinion, what are most underrated Epic animatics? Either from smaller artists, or just overshadowed by more popular versions
Why do people hate Eurylochus?
Hermes wins made to be hated. Day 3 WRONG ANSWERS ONLY who the hot one?
What do you think is the most underrated song from each saga?
Oh please, gimme that baby and I’d yeet it off a mountain
Poseidon waiting for the perfect time to strike
Game ABC characters edition
You guys choose Circe which was very close with Neil’s Poseidon. Which character is the only normal person
The top comment was Hermes! Now who was meant to be hated?