What's an animated series that you wished had gone on for much longer than it did? Here's my top pick.
Your birth month your Physiology
Say a number from 1-1k and I'll give you your superhero/villain and your powerset.
What power comes with being single?
What pokemon means the most to you?
Would it make sense for Deoxys to get a mega evolution in Pokemon Legends: Z-A? Why or why not?
Which game should I start next in my backlog?
What real-world locations do you want to see as regions?
What is YOUR favorite Pokemon movie?
Would it make sense for Deoxys to get a mega evolution in Pokémon Legends: Z-A?
If your favourite pokemon were in a team, what would your team consist of?
Why do people stay in relationships they don't like?
Do you prefer ducky or bunny?
do it
What games are you playing this weekend?
you what 🤨🤨🤨🤨
Sonic as a Pokemon (By @starberry.kat)
Easy mode with no remorse.🥹🎮
If you had the ability to summon one anime girl who would it be and why?
We listen and we don't judge. What's your guilty pleasure song?
Need new music to listen to!
Favorite character you never see mentioned here?
Badly describe your favourite Pokemon
Replace the first name of your favorite game with fuck