Generic old post about movie portrayals
What do you wish was more represented/known?
How often do you think about cutting your legs off? (Coping)
How does your SPD Present in you?
What is your chosen drug
Whats your mind like on dph?
So NPD may be genetic... what now?
If you were given the opportunity to experience one day in the life of a historical figure, who would you choose?
What are some tips on deciding what your career will be?
What is something minor that you are really grateful for ?
Which phone do you use?
Has any serial killer tried to plead insanity and asked to be sent to a mental hospital for long-term mental health treatment? Maybe the Son of Sam?
WHAT IS THS AGE GAP!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I… Um… I’m kingpin now… what do i do now?
Why is it taking so long for IOS 😣
Breivik talking about "Blood & Honour" during his parole hearing in January 2022 (Captions)
Vietnamese man threatens to beat up a female martial artist, it doesn't go as he expected
MT and BJJ or MT and Judo?
Video clips of Breivik when taken back to Utøya after his killing spree
AITAH for this?
Let's not get into detail
Working archive of Tarrant's facebook profile?