Looking for 1st picture, offering all other pictures.
looking for picture / offering picture.
Looking for Picture, offering Picture.
Looking for shiny Kyurem with either LA or Taipei background. Must have glaciate. Offering picture below.
Looking for below. Offering below
Pokémon GO City Safari is coming to Milan, Mumbai, Santiago & Singapore!
Kyurem New Zealand
044979408901 If anyone can send invites to Mega Latios/as
Feedback Post: Mega Lucario Raid Day
If you have a dragon, What would you name it?
Please add and send gifts. Need them in NY for GoFest egg hatching. 212993033326.
Into the darkness, are we the light? - Necrozma Raids!
Is there anyone who can invite to Nihilego?
Will pay for Sendai raids, please dm me
If anyone is doing Guzzlord, Nihilego, Xurkitree 044979408901 please add me.
Doing Sendai raids, 2 spots, message me
I am attending new york go fest add me and ill send every raid i do to all that add 5829-8167-6181
Sending Gifts from Sendai GoFest - Need gifts back
NECROZMA RAID 4 LOCAL 905870876415
044979408901 Please add for any Necrozma
278260358067 add me I’ll help you fight necrozma
Stakataka raids on me 9435 0798 5521 :))
Stakataka! 227723202914
163206959694 stakataka wb