Wedding with 8 Kosher guests
If you don’t already have a name what are you calling your little human?
When did your pregnancy symptoms start and what were those symptoms? I’m 5+3 and no symptoms yet.
Stroller, car seat or travel system?
Diaper cart/caddy necessary?
Why choose an unmedicated birth?
I eat 3 boiled eggs it harmful for baby?
Do most people wait until later in the pregnancy to find out the sex?
Was your first ultrasound internal or external?
Worried that this is too easy
Did you buy maternity clothes
Should I induce or wait
When did you post your pregnancy on social media?
When do you tell your employer
Was your pregnancy planned
When did you start feeling baby’s movements from the outside?
This is why I’m scared to have a girl !!
1st pregnancy
What is your pregnancy language Icks?
Maternity clothes
Have you announced your pregnancy on social media?
What's your baby made of today?
Do you think baby can feel/tell when you stroke your stomach?
Whats your zodiac sign and what zodiac sign are you giving birth to?