D'you guys think the world is ending?
Frequently Asked Questions
"God is love" Jhon 4:8
God loves you
Jon Bernthal/Shane is the definition of beauty😍😍😍
top 3 ways to get into hell:
(Announcement) How To Eat Babies
Hail Satan!!!!!
how do i do black magic
A Satanic prayer to break free from Xthainity, could work for someone brainwashed by Chirsitan ideas, the first step into breaking free...
Fuck santan get a life get out of your moms basement and go to church or don’t praise some weird ghost or what ever it is
(Announcement) Our lord Satan has finally announced that we will get bigger pee pees in Hell!
What walking dead deaths made you cry the most
Choose one to bring back
Hi this is the first post and have fun on here
Who in the WORLD is this?
I don’t have a reason for posting this I just thought it was funny no hate pls
Which characters do you wish got to interact? I’ll go first…
Better character?
The Governor vs Negan
Now that's romance right there
Negan comes knocking at his gate how does that meeting go ?
Who’s the better bestie duo?
Is there just that one character you want to hate but just aren’t able to