Whats a simple way to not be bored all the time?
rng king
Dark Goggles or Full Wise Dragon Armor
Can you rate my profile (or just insult its)
What are some good Ironman YouTubers to watch
wtf that came out of nowhere
Trying to settle an argument so: who is at fault here? Cam car blamed 2nd place for the incident
When did you get unsupervised, unfiltered internet access? Do you feel like it made you grow up too fast?
Do you think previously privileged groups such as white people and men are on track to be oppressed?
Why do people enjoy PvP?
Perry “Highway”
Looking for pointers
Did they fall asleep behind the wheel or something?
I screamed ____ during a school assembly
Skyblock art requests!
Ngl that just made my whole day
forbes in oakland
What mod gives this small player model?
American car in Australian car park
R/fuckcars when I'm just trying to bike to work
Exotic boots?
What is the most carbrained social media platform?
A friend of mine challenged me to get 15k karma by the end of March
I’m not religious and am confused, was there an actual human being Jesus?