3rd trimester mom's, anyone lose their appetite? How are we getting calories?
Sister deliberately giving her baby STDS
Frustrated about family’s opinions and comments
Help! I need Suggestions! Channel mini square flap circa 94
Pedicure and foot massage pressure point?
Stretch marks, when do they stop developing?
visiting Japan from singapore next month
Just received the news that I will be having a baby with trisomy 21
Need to make a decision ASAP
my boyfriend cheated with my older sister.
Seeking Support for my elective c-section decision <3
Can’t eat anything
“How much weight have you gained” - SIL
Should I get this?
Contact with Bat while cycling
Purchasing used bags from Singapore?
No purchase history, 4th time visiting within 6 months.
What’s your silliest/dumbest “pregnancy brain” moment? I’ll go first..
How do you enjoy your pregnancy when all you do is worry?
41 mint
Would you return this?
This drama at the Chanel sub Reddit is cray cray haha
please help me
Show me a picture of your cat, and I’ll draw ‘em!