So are the reserves actually 2 days a month per month 2 weeks per year ONLY?
I don’t feel like I’m part of my family.
How do I start..
About to ETS dunno what to do.
About to ETS and I can’t decide
Leaving for BCT in a week from now, what SHOULD I bring and what to expect?
Struggling to use tricare overseas
Approved LOD
I don’t know anymore
How’s AT going?
Graduated basic training at fort Jackson
Enlisted and graduated training at 17 AMA
Why I like the Army
AIT is messing me up physically and mentally
Thinking about joining
Does Basic Tranining and OSUT feel like forever?
Post Exchange essentials at Basic
I'm going to basic tomorrow. Any advice for a somewhat scared 17 year old.
Need legitimate advice.
Will I make a friend in the National Guard?
Ya boy passed meps today what do I do now
would I be able to enlist with missing teeth?
I will watch the most upvoted comment
If you never joined the Army, where do you think you would be at in life right now?
What the hell is happening at BCT/AIT?