PSA!! There is NO hand symbol for Prime’s hyper beam! This image is a MEME from TorvusBolt’s Twitter, who has since left the platform!
Am i the only one that needs an animated serie ?
I didn't realize til now that according to these different symbols in Metroid Prime, Samus makes different hand gestures to swap between her beams:
Wanted to share my Prime 1 tattoo and my recent Prime 2 tattoo to match. If Prime 4 has beam symbols, where should I place those?
Am I the only one who loves DKC3?
have we ever seen Funky Kong and Donkey Kong together in the same room at the same time?
Such bad mechanics for such an amazing game
Hey wait a sec... who's the "Deleter"? I completed Metroid: Other M and missed who was the traitor
Another Prime 2: Echoes Criticism
What main game character can't be considered as a good guy?
So that's who Samus is according to developers of Metroid Other M. Do we agree with them?
What's the worst section to replay in LKS?
What's the worst section to replay of your favorite videogame?
Will Post New Little Kings Story with all dlcs when vitamin 2.0 comes out
On the fence about buying Dread
The fisk situation
Umm wtf????
I just realized that the first half of SA2 is sonic being racially profiled by the government.
“Better get to it” - Knuckles
Literally Unplayable
It’s time for Americans to withhold their taxes
Have we talked about how linear Dread technically is?
Is Other M really that bad?
Gunning down an Onii is something you can do in NLKS