What are you grateful for ?
Network+ Voucher Giveaway
What is the rarest thing at your house?
Elder Gen Z check in
Anyone else here that is 25 or over just stop giving a fuck about petty shit?
What’s one small habit you started that completely changed your life?
What would your ten-year-old self say if they saw you now?
What makes you feel like everything is going to be okay?
Do Gen Z Women understand, they don't have to be mean or bully men they are not attracted to?
I think im too comfortable?
Yo guys gimme a word!
What has been your most successful side-hustle?
I'll do whatever the top comment says.
Who does the best nuggets?
If you had unlimited resources, how would you design the perfect cybersecurity strategy for a company?
What’s one financial decision you made that you’ll never regret?
The new Tik Tok guidelines are absurd 😭
Do you wish you started earlier?
If you will only keep one of your cert valid for the rest of your career, which one and why?
If you could change one thing about the world we live in what would it be and why?
How do you use reddit properly?
What's something your mom actually WAS right about?
How has social media impacted empathy?
Should I restart my successful side hustle while pursuing an unrelated degree?
✨ happy international women’s day ✨