Airmen that got kicked out of The Air Force for any reason. What was that like?
Marines with Skin Condition Affecting Mostly Black Men Could Now Be Booted Under New Policy.
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
Newsflash LEON the US military is actually the most benevolent and well-liked organization across the world 😏
New Budget Deal Could Cost USAF Up to $14 Billion
Brand spanking new (to me) 1986 Silverado. It runs.
How Many GTA Games old are you?
What on Earth could be causing a Transmission to overheat this much?
Any other 6.2/6.5 owners out there?
A pretty great aerial to give an idea of just how massive that fire was
Which NYC did you grow up in?
DOD Will No Longer Prohibit Contractors from Running Segregated Facilities.
Any other 6.2/6.5 Detroit Diesel owners out there?
Pentagon Caps Civilians' Government Charge Cards at $1, Limits Travel as Part of Trump Cuts