Lethal tempo Yi PBE testing
I Love the fear players have of Yi. they always run away instead of turning on you
4th promos to platinum failed , i guess i need to improve
first item for jg
Best Way To Rework Yi While Balancing For Average Players
Skill order in fight.
Food for thought
Better first item
Better yi build
We all know this is kevin's car power
Your soul is damned
If you could change anything about Barry, what would you change?
So true...
Is it true?
How do you guys feel about the season 7 suit
It's not worth it.
Well yesterday i got a 2nd gatekeeper Galio and i decided i will draft him. Yeah its a cool skin
FINALLY. My fave skin in the game. It feels good too
I guess riot wants me to main Galio
My first 5K(i think, havent played in a few months)
So, some time ago a master Yi mastery main with 2mln of mastery point told me that Kayn is a cancerous champ
Was Bored. Made this. 😂
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