She just kicked it!!
How is everyone affording $3500+ mortgages around here?
Let’s vent about the 2nd trimester
I eat 3 boiled eggs it harmful for baby?
Why choose an unmedicated birth?
Tell me about your pregnancy rage
Photoshoot locations on
Male OBGYN’s
Car on fire on westbound 50 this morning 6:40am
Will you be a SAHM or not?
Smoking while pregnant
We listen and we don't judge - Pregnancy edition
Can I even buy a house?
Infant plus 2 small dogs
Not getting interviews (ITA/ITS1)
What is the commute like from Folsom to Downtown Sac?
Where are people in their 20’s buying?
What song is this for you?
My completed build and now I’m considering letting her go.
Fun without alcohol
What would happen if my dog and I ran into coyotes?
Do you think its loser behavior to game Unemployment Income? Thats what I'm doing
Got my first house at 23!
Does it usually take this long?
Does anyone hire in Sacramento?