Mark's missing day - a theory about Season 3
Well, I was wrong. [Severance S2 E9]
Gabby reveals shocking unaired ‘misogynistic’ moment from The Traitors reunion involving Dylan
Daniella makes a statement regarding fans violating her daughter’s privacy
If you had to Pick 2 from these 4 from the Traitors to be on DWTS who would you pick and pair them with.
Fun Fact (Finale Spoilers)
One player that I have enjoyed so much this season, is Boston Rob
Never forget your roots, Bailey 💀
How old are they?
TikTok of Abby doing an “updated” pyramid of her former students
Let’s circle back to this for a second:
Bob the Drag Queen needed to go period
Danielle said people are going to be shocked with ending.
What's a controversial Traitors opinion that you'll defend with your life?
Mindy’s Exploitation and Kissing the Baby
Should have picked ***** as a traitor
Who is the better player, Dylan or Peter?
Would any of the DWTS pros be big enough draws for their own tours?
The fandom when we start getting closer to S34
Say one nice thing about Danielle
My Traitors Dreamcast
traitors revealed to most recently murdered and banished cast members
Who are you rooting for to win?