i think i know the obvious answer, but i am kinda curious on what everyone else thinks😮💨🤔
only correct votes
Which are y'all choosing
Safest bet?
Complete Collection Of J. Cole Vinyls!
i miss the daily song bracket 😭
games gone left, probably gonna quit!
Who’s got the highest streak?
Most recent tyler song you listened to. Or else tyler dies.
How long it takes to put together a run like that
What’s y’all’s favorite Mixtape Cole song
d4vd finally acknowledging his song with dom
I’d love if someone drew me and my girlfriend 🙃
Where or when can I find the last thing
If you could release ONE of Doms unreleased songs which one would it be?
What should I do with these?
Selling 20 Gems
Top 100 listeners????
i was wondering why it felt so familiar
Who was your favorite artist/band before dom?
what’s a df take that’ll leave you like this
Guess my number 1-1000 to get this*
Does anyone have a longer streak than 167?
am i crazy?