Where do you rank Ultimate Gohan ?
Theater mode Pov switch is the best thing they added 😂
How do you think this 2v1 ended ?😂
Parry won’t save you from the frenzy 😂
Is Ui Top 3 ?
Sometimes playing passive isn’t the right move
I need somebody help with maliketh. I keep making it to the secend phase but my mimic tear start acting dumb 🤷🏽♂️
What's going on here????
This had me tripping bc wtf is this glitch 😂
Quick team wipe
Shanks Gameplay Teaser #4
What’s yall opinion about my main: Fused Zamasu
Was looking at old clips and found this. Why they violate me like that 🤣
The Come back is crazy Ngl
Now, what did we learn?
Blue Evolved lowkey better than Super Saiyan God
All it take is one mistake
Sometimes you gotta gamble that ult 😂
DBS Gogeta players in a nutshell
Had the game for 2 days what’s the best way to make money online ?
whats the point of teammates jumping 1 person while im fighting 2 niggas for them to not kill the person there jumpin 😤
Just me that actually like this suit
Ik he pissed
ki cancelling takes no skill
Saitama slams.
Monkey D Luffy Balloon Segment (NBC)