Anyone know if they’ve made a cracked ice holo energy that’s colorless?
What do you guys do with your mini tins? Just picked up this tin bundle for the packs but I really don't want to be wasteful and just throw out the tins.
Just won a shrouded fable etb.
Does anybody collect a specific Pokémon too? Mine is Vaporeon 🐠
I need to find a snoopy rubber duck.
Question: If I’m getting a sleeve done how much should I tip?
My relative keeps getting hacked. I have reset everything for them multiple times but when they went to login it’s asking for video verification. Is this new?
What’s your favorite cards from the new set?
What are your Hobbies?
First order of the day, was shaking 🙏
I opened up 7 Blooming Waters bundles. Not a Charizard, Venesaur, or Blastoise full art.
Intimate videos of me are just out there now, am I screwed?
I saw my MIL fully naked.
Need a network vulnerability scanner
Anyone used Checkmark?
What do you all think? New Eeveelution? Hint or are we getting trolled
Started collecting three weeks ago and pulled this cool looking Charizard
Extremely new to collecting.
Is every store sold completely out?
Gonna start my collection. Any tips?
Gonna go start my collection today. Any ideas on who to get and what holds its value?
I was informed I could only redeem one per account so here is some free codes since I bought too many happy meals.
Does any one know of a One Piece themed Linux?
Anyone having issues with the McDonald’s rewards?
Does anyone actually shorten their drivers?