19 and 2 years on testosterone
Do I Pass? Age?
Okay, but who was your very first "Damn, I want to be him" character?
GF wants to experience sex with cis man
First thing I gotta do after coming home after a work week
Me and my best bud
How do you call this in your country?
1 and a half years on T gang!
feeling shame during sexual intimacy with my gf
4 weeks post DI op
2 weeks post DI do my nipples look okay?
Anyone down to play rn?
Any movie recommendations that just feels like as if an acid trip manifested itself into reality?
What’s a good name for me? (I’m a boy😸💙)
Breaking down and waking up handcuffed at the hospital
Did I F up
1 year on T!!
What name do I look like (ftm)
Tips on getting a wider back?
Why is he so silly
Freshly baked, full white loaf
Bro looks like moldy wonderbread (expect adorable and soft and perfect)
Name suggestions? (Fem only please!)
4 months on T!
NSFW: Surely I'm not the only one thinking this while watching porn