I know it’s all anyone complains about, but all the kicks the same price as a full battle pass? Rly?
How are you guys doing so far?
Which fast fireing AR is the best in your opinion
No, you aren’t going to get banned.
DMR'S are not trash you don't know how to use them
I can’t be the only one
Ok, fellow olds, it is time to really go back in time. What 80s movie or TV shows, well known or not, would make for fun collabs?
What's the point of introducing a new AR when Holo-Twister is still in the game?
Fortnite on controller is currently almost unplayable for many players. Inputs with the analog sticks experience major jitter/stutter with small movements, making aiming or moving extremely difficult.
Do I have to transform my macro variables (logs or sinh)
AITA if I break up with my bf after he asked to have my friend join in?
STW Mentioned in BR!!!
How do I get movement like this? I just want to be good 😭
Do you guys prefer the hitscan weapons with no mods or the projectile weapons with mods. I’ll go first
Need help for choosing a controller, g7 se in mind.
0 aim assist
Question about rotating minisets
What is your dream Fortnite collab? (Mine is Chainsaw Man!)
Is this now a really really bad time to be getting into academia
Impuesto a vivienda vacia
Code Giveaway
I will buy the game for people in the comments if it comes out, AND I MEAN IT. I know this is a Silkpost guys, I just know it. They are just messing with us.
Man I hate collecting Pokémon cards these days