Who would be the WORST Oscars host of all time?
Rambo vs Jason. Who Wins?
Thick Lana Era will always be her best era.
SAW 11 has reportedly been cancelled (Source: Bloody Disgusting
Can someone please recommend movies with this aesthetic ??
Whats the first game you think of when looking back at the Game Cube
Genuine Q for Disturbed fans. How do y'all justify this?
What movies do you refuse to believe are directed by the same person?
What did you think of the Crash TV series?
Do you agree with this “tweet”? I personally don’t.
What do you think of Ken Park (2002)?
What film(s) are you going with?
I'll give it a try genre don't matter
Dino Stamatopoulos wants to do a Moral Orel movie
Which actor has become the most successful after being on The Walking Dead?
It’s really infuriating how they wasted everyone’s time on this embarrassing, predictable, cringe inducing, cliche ridden, unintentionally hilarious, garbage vanity project. We could’ve been on Saw XII by now had it not been for this trash.
I don’t like this Dumb and Dumber reboot at all.
What is your favorite scene from Joker 2?
I for one find it inspiring that the mentally handicapped director of Borderlands is giving a voice to independent creatives in the horror film industry. No Palestinian filmmakers allowed!
Who wins and why?
Not a big fan of the Dumb and Dumber reboot at all.
So inspiring that the mentally handicapped director of Borderlands is wanting to give independent creatives a voice in the horror film industry. No Palestinian filmmakers allowed!
That Borderlands sequel isn't gonna pay for itself.