To the drummers of this sub, what's your favorite metal song to play?
tool 😁😁😁
Everybody tells me to stop listening to metal music
You are given 1 million dollars to hide a paper clip.
Does anyone else's penis feels like burning when you pee right after c*mming?
Another Coaster Riddle-ish Thing
What is your top three favorite Samuel L Jackson performances?
My personal tierlist. I'm a simple man.
What is your favorite sequence of three songs in a row?
They really are a league above everything else.
Friend Group Music Taste. Who's best and worst? Each row is a different person just say the number of the row
What are your favourite album covers?
We listen and we don't judge. What's your guilty pleasure song?
What song(s) cannot be too loud?
A lot of albums in my rotation right now. Give me an album and i'll give you my top 3 and the worst song
What bands do you think have no bad albums?
Give me a lyric and I’ll say what album it’s from
Are you happy with your own d**k?
drop your favourite movies and shows, ill watch them
What comedian has so much hype but you don’t think is actually funny?
tell me your fav song, i'll recommend you one back
What lyric would be best for a tattoo?
Why is Mario Bros. Circuit so massive? (Don't come for me in the comments lol)