Zoanthropes from Beyond
Hive Fleet Typhon Termagants all finished up!
Upgraded warriors of carnis
Feedback sought on Zoanthrope Brains
Help me understand
My 10 year old said he came up with a pun for 40K. I had to share it.
Looking for advice on how to paint like this (new painter)
Multiple Rerolls
Does Teeming Masses stratagem counter Fire Overwatch stratagem ?
Winged Tyrant Paroxysm
Chucking on SBS and this song playing
Suitable emissary proxy?
Hive Fleet Tillinghast
They’re (not) afraid!
Winterbeast (1992) — A stop-motion creature wonderland
Just finished some gitz
What box or storage do you're guys keep your tyranids?
Zarbag gitz
Specimen 0
How many melee weapons are in a box of warriors?
How to shake contrast paints more effectively
Parasite worth it?
Hello genestealer cult player
Best Tryanid books?