SEC is really addressing RobinHood users here
It has begun. Crackdown on account sharing.
Forget paying for the Gym, just go to the Mall for a workout
iOS App Developer: LLC or not?
Spring break trip Destin
Sister telling me it’s a bad investment
So it's a PCB Takeover in DESTIN???
Kenny Chesney to Release First Book, ‘Heart Life Music,’ in November
Gold for college student?
Campus Visit Recs?
Platinum card for all purchases
how is ou w/o greek life?
Laptops in college
Can a current MIS student at OU dm me so I can ask a few questions regarding the major and on OU in general?
How good is the MIS program at OU and can I get into the tech field with an MIS degree from OU?
Questions about OU as a transfer
Should I join a sorority?
Want to drop but signed lease for next year
Would you take a $75000 work from home job or $110,000 in- office job?
Today I didn't talk to the girl I like even though it was the perfect opportunity to do so ;_;
Drinking on lexapro?
Karens giving out their own "Parking Violations" now.
Dealer left this plugged into my car
paycom 🤮🤮🤮
As someone who rarely uses his iPad, what do you guys use it for?