What is the prettiest reason someone was in a game or tested?
Trolls/Weens who pay 200+ USD for a commission by Chris on Etsy are a special kind of stupid.
When are they adapting this into the MCU?
Why does 4 get so much hate?
It's a shame Bob didn't live long enough witness the incest fallout.
Why does proffesional Xavier keep thinking he can skip therapy by just messing with peoples heads?
Any of you get stunned by Information overload?
What were Chris’s parents like during his childhood?
today I learned what RLM secretly stands for
What happens next?
'Chrisconceptions' (CWC Misconceptions) that need to die?
Chris's control obsession
Favorite SAW Movie?
Best slip of naïvety?
Why does 3D get so much hate?
My glorious king👅🥺
Favourite Metal Gear soundtrack?
Who would you cast to play Beta Ray Bill?
What’s the worst remake ever?
Man, Volgin is kind of a dumbass
Favorite Boss in MGS3?
found this absolute gem on twitter
So the Genome Soldier were pumped full of Big Boss juice...
They were making pins at the print lab today so I went ahead and