Some help.
What happens when a more recent will is found after probate in Virginia?
Gracie's tattoos
Brighton airbnb
Unhinged Paris, we love her though
Who is this character?
Team Jess, our boy has the best character development. Finally who's the most unhinged?
Saw this post. Which ship is which in your mind?
Complicated, complicated Rory. Best character development?
If Rory ever did choose to get married one day
TJ you annoy us. Who's complicated though?
Elimination game - Michel is out
Brian's underrated. But who's annoying?
marty is embarrassment! who is disgust?
Luke's the most realistic character. Who deserved better though ?
Lane deserved better. We know. However, who's underrated?
Whether you are Team Max, Team Luke, or Team Christopher
Lane’s parenting
Elimination game - Madeline & Louise are out
Does Rory Ever Take Science???
Make it look like Jess's search history in the comments, Go.
You've voted Lorelai as the most motivational. But most realistic?
Elimination game - Logan is out
Blair grew up to become Emily Gilmore
Okay so if Emily's the funniest, who is the most motivational?