What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
What’s your favorite fruit?
How should you handle someone who spends all day playing video games?
Zanzibar, Sri Lanka, or Cyprus? Which is the best for having some quality time and why?
I'm frustrated that my fiancé can't keep even the simplest things private.
What is way more complicated than it needs to be?
How do you keep yourself motivated while you’re feeling down?
I take things personally at work.
What kind of wine do you like?
What's the human quality you respect the most?
Who Is The Stupidest Person You've Ever Met?
It's my 16th birthday today!
What’s something that only happens in movies but you wish would happen in real life?
Is it ok for men to wear a bigger sized woman’s shoe?
What helps you when you feel lonely?
What is after death?
What are top red flags for you in a relationship ?
What are your thoughts on people tend to focus more on physical appearance rather than someone's personality?
How should deal with a coworker who acts like they know everything, even though they clearly don’t?
Top 3 places you’d like to travel to?and why?