Who and what would you want to see in “the batman 2” ?
I unironically just remembered this comic book exists
The REAL Big Three
Bummortal being Lincoln is worse slander directed towards lincoln than any pro-Confederate movie
My favourite part of Young Justice was when the gang had to accept their shadow selves, that was an amazing arc fr fr
And in the sequel, Hulk find outs his son Skaar was actually the Gamma Knight who was working with The Leader to destroy Gamma City, peak gaming.
Ideal MCU cast
Outjerked by whatever tf this guy is going on about
Screw "Magneto was right", we need a "Firebrand was right" shirt
Role-playing idea dc x jjba
Invincible hits different after Robert Kirkman went on that rant about the illegitimacy of democracy
7x7 Spider-Man Political Compass
we had peak, I tell ya, peak...
I’m tired. This happens every single time, it’s irritating
“Superman should have a moustache” he did you frauds.
Shit is Brutal
A single mom who works two jobs
These guys were about as straight as Alexander the Great and Hephaestion
Meanwhile over at Image comics
Remembered this Justin hammer killed like 80% of the recurring bad guys in final 10 episodes of the show
Who here is the best Anti-Batman?
So the CW was fine with hiring Gorilla Grodd for the Flash but couldn't be bothered to get Mojo Jojo back for their Powerpuff Girl reboot? What did the CW mean by this?
Thoughts on Steven Yuen joining the Lotusverse as Stripevincible
"Spider-Man/Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do by Kevin Smith"
the entire marvel universe united to save tippy-toe but not aunt may from a gunshot wound