DW Judiciar & his Blade Guard pals
Blackstar Base
Watch Master Ilbasan
Kitbashed Watchmaster (Azreal proxy?)
Pivoting to a Home Brew chapter
Re-Bashing to the New Meta
Deftones song tournament day 21
Tau pathfinders, really proud of these!
Just hit 2k built and painted!
Best Out of the box Crisis load out
what is this snake? (Ninh Binh, Vietnam)
Gave my Watchmaster a bit of spruce up so he's ready to slay Xenos in style for 2024!
Custom Captain in Gravis armor from Salamanders chapter! I made a lot of photos and it was quite a task to choose only a few of them, but I tried to choose the best angles.
New List Idea
We'll get a look at a pair of competitive Deathwatch lists this week
List advice for new players
Mixed melee/ranged units question
Barely liveable rental in Sydney