Yugi: I summon ZERO
30 yo, no morning woods
Why does sugar makes my coworker sharp and focused while for me it makes me sleepy and weak?
r/headphones Shopping, Setup, and Technical Help Desk
Have 160$ to spend and i don't know what to chose.
Just a little something I picked up at a convention..
Who is considered the strongest Eikon?
Well, that's nostalgia
[Spoilers] So about the final battle...
Tinnitus and maybe hearing loss. I want to take care of my ears.
Hearing loss and tinnitus, want to take care of myself
Daily Simple Questions Thread - January 05, 2025
Hearing loss and tinnitus, want to protect my ears at the gym.
30 years old male, small tinitus in my left ear. Started taking care of myself
30 years old male. Small tinitus in my left ear, started taking care of myself.
The lighting in Cyberpunk 2077 is gorgeous.
if dark souls was a 2D, metroidvania game
Quited my job. I want to go deep in one of this two franchises. Help me choose.
Daily Simple Questions Thread - January 03, 2025
I don't know if I should quit playing.
Does changing the time and date of my PS3 will change the timestamp of my next trophies?
How long it is to get the platinum trophy of this game(FF14 ARR version)?
Does anyone have the name of the song playing at the dark souls remastered trailer?
Bayle second death animation?