I Congratulate You
What would you name him? Goku or Gohan
What convinced you that a Higher Power, the Afterlife, and the Supernatural is real?
I feel empty.
Yanına birşey yazacak olsanız ne yazardınız
Yağlı boya çalışmam
judgy extremists have ruined Islam for me but I don’t know where else to turn
Some haters be like
We are all Muslims
Okul Sırası
Amcam kanser olmuş
What do you think? 👀
Kendime oc yaptım, adı ne olsun?
Can we just have a moment to worship her?
Who wins this match?
I can’t with Merab anymore…
hes right
Do y'all think Goku tapped that mikussy
Khamzat tweeted this
Oh, that’s uh… wow
Name my band
Wholesome, but he should’ve cut his hair he would he unstoppable with Khabib level grappling
Name a fighter so nice that literally everyone is chill with them, I'll start
What would you have done to make the Buu saga better?