looking for missing pokédex entries. Offering whatever
Looking for Top, Offering Bottom
looking for top, offering bottom
offering cosmog looking for shiny costume/background eevee
i just pulled this, need help determing worth
Looking for lucky legendary trades (offering Pokémon from 2019)
Quick give away, Fukuoka BG Palkia [NO SR] or SR Palkia (End 8:45PM EST - 19th Nov) [Giveaway No: 10]
Looking for mirror trades for 40+ Gastly and its evolutions. Offering 40+ gastly, 6 haunter, and 1 Gengar. Cannot fly.
Looking for giveaway offering gmax toxtricity first guy who guesses my favorite number gets it (registed instant unregisted 30 days) tip: its not over 999
Looking for legendaries offering shinys
Make love, not war
mega swampert, user is mariokart808, add 225845917291
weird hack in mm2
Just so know one is confused you don't have a 1/36 shot at sword.
Sailing a submarine on server after HG dive
Super rocket radar
Ho-Oh on me 6958 4557 8219
Trade Requests Weekly Megathread
She's real! I can't believe I got her!
Guys it's called 'New Golden Sands' now
anyone else notice this?
What’s the best ship name you’ve seen on the seas so far?
Zapdos. Add 2258 4591 7291
Zapdos. Inv 5, BE ONLINE. Add 2258 4591 7291
Zapdos Raid. Inv 5, Add 2258 4591 7291. BE ONLINE