I will never understand how this person was ordained as a minister. His beliefs are all things like this. Deeply bigoted man and not just against white people. Yet Democrats allow him in their inner circles and will praise him for this garbage.
Honking when the light barely turns green....
Which one of these is your favorite?
Got this a few years ago never knew it opened. I found some kind of canera.
Nobody Likes A Bad Picture Or Painting Of Themselves.....
Ray Gun speaking the truth
This is worse than I thought… I’m like speechless. Photo verified profile, handsome, and out of nowhere goes dark and sordid in less than a minute. No wonder so many radical movements are being created nowadays.
Found a mega rare Xbox 360 game from my childhood stuffed behind the dvds
Yes, Committing Terrorism, is Terrorism You Chuckle Nuts.
What Happened to “Defund the Police?”
Prozac for quitting.
Six killed after tourist submarine sinks off Egyptian coast
I thought this might belong here
I can fix her
Can I even call this dnb?
Felipe posting have to stop
Just beat Twilight Princess. What should I play next?
What are you playing first?
Retro-bit component cable fitting + Audio *Update*
I was very successful as a child, but I lost it all and now I have nothing
What ever happened to LMAFO? I grew up with these guys music in my teenage years.
Designed for the tube
I’m new to this game, but is THIS really supposed to happen?
My Chainsaw - Controller
What track or album/EP has the best cover art?