The Immortal is indirectly responsible for the Jim Crow Era segregation in the south.
In Austin Powers (1997), the titular character refuses the advances of a drunk woman. That sort of thing was just not his bag, baby.
He might be a bum, but he is still a hero
Is anyone else stoked about the JFK assassination files being released tommarow (I obviously won't read all 80,000 pages)
The 1964 Election
Backwoods, waning relevance, dark, philosophical
took charlie outside
I quit my job to a full-time day trade with $1500 in Robin Hood
Was this the secret trick arman? 😭
Gen V Season 2 set photos!
Other interesting shaped natural land formations that resemble something else?
Hwi Noree. The French are Ixians confirmed
Shout out to my resident French friend if you see this
Free UFC Bet
Favorite piece of writing so bad that it was relentlessly mocked by the internet?
Ooooh yeah
Is it going to be the future?
Growing fodder indoors using hydroponic farming
Did I see another craft docking with the ISS?
artists VERY similar to big thief
1200 cals a day will I harm myself
That time when Islam was about to ascend in.. "Super Dagestani".
How much milk do you all drink in a day ?
I love you all so much
Why do I see eyes everywhere