Agate/Jasper from AZRE claims
Agate/Jasper slabs/cab from AZRE claims
Lake Pleasant, AZ agate
AZRE claims
Agates from Lake Pleasant, AZ
You just never know what you will find when you smash a rock open! Amethyst with green Flourite, and Galena cubes! Pinal County AZ
Some polish/cab making work I did today. All agates (except the last one, Jasper/agate/onyx conglomerate. The cab is made from Chevron Amethyst
finds from AZRE claims 😍
Agates/Jasper from AZRE claims
Burro Creek pastelite
More Pastelite 😍
Burro Creek Pastelite (self collected)
A customer of mine found this huge piece of quartz while he was scuba diving.
Burro Creek Pastelite
Made my first heart 💜
Rockhounds, if you could retire anywhere in the U.S…
Slab of amethyst from MM in Arizona (nice peek of blue in the middle 😍)
My first time cutting labradorite and first time making a pendent!
Slabs of Mineral Mountain Amethyst 💜🥓 (self collected)
Tiny agates 🥰
Lake Pleasant, AZ