Any ideas why the rear sight wood is missing on this SMLE
More WWI Rifles!
Enfield No.2 Mk.1
Any reason why the extractor isn't snapping closed?
Any tips or tricks to address these issues?
WWI Anybody?
My 1917 Enfield and Gewehr 98
Are there any way to address these issues?
Anyone have an idea on what’s causing this?
Is this normal? 1943 Winchester M1 Carbine
The System is unforgiving and cruel
"Great shot kid that was one in a million!" Haha!!
how'd yall become furries, I'm genuinely curious
I hope they left room for the boosters
Picked myself up an SKS. Can anyone tell me anything about it?
Just picked up an SKS
Came back to the game after 5 months and found my first Earth-like planet..
controversial covid opinion
My cousin’s new 83’ renegade, what should he upgrade first?
What do furries do for jobs?
Oh god I think I’m going to throw up
We’re doing a stock take of all the firearms at our shop. Found this beauty tucked away.
Post-meal look~ art by me!
Can anyone ID this? My dad’s friend’s father died and she found this in his things