Restock during Winter sale
How did you find out the person you met on OLD was either married, or has a significant other?
Red flags
Swelling - 11 weeks post op
When going out on dates, do the women pay, go half half, or do the men treat?
How long did it take for you all to become a couple?
How often do you communicate with each other?
How should I handle short replies like this?
Broke up with the weirdest situation I’ve been in ☹️💔
Good slipper brand for neuropathies?
The ending we all expected
How to get over the lies they spread
The Wife Has Her Foot All On This Bitch Neck! Deal With It Baby🖤
Hmmmm.. seems "healthy"
Dumpster fire incoming 🗑️🗑️🔥
They "prefer" a happily married MM/MW 🙄🙄🙄
Suggestions on comfortable shoes?
Here we go...
Do men get screwed over that badly in a divorce?
Not sure why she's at her wit's end....
Oh how the turn tables!
My stbxh is really into porn and sex workers. Should he be giving my 7 year old a shower and sleeping in the same bed as her?
Who's happier divorced?
Karma came in full swing for this one.
Ruins her marriage to get married to MM who left her in the dust